Interviews with JK Rowling, Shirley Manson and other inspirational Scottish women

"To be different from others is what makes us unique and therefore exceedingly rare. Rareness is a currency and gives us value. It's how we choose to spend our currency that defines us."

Shirley Manson - Garbage

A few years ago, I had a great time running the Marketing/ PR for Girlguiding Scotland. At the time there was a national survey released that said most teenage girls’ role models were WAGS and Page 3 girls. It takes quite a lot to get me riled, but I just couldn't believe that this is what society was presenting to young women as inspirational. So, I set out on a project to interview (mainly by phone and email) the most successful women in Scotland.

It took a year, but by the end, I had asked over a 1,000 questions to over 120 successful women. Some were famous like JK Rowling (part of the interview below), Lorraine Kelly, Lulu and Kirsty Wark. Others included Olympic sportswomen, journalists, MPs, authors, musicians, painters and even the first female game keeper. They were all incredibly interesting women who kindly gave their time to inspire Scottish girls and young women. The press coverage was incredible: we got the equivalent of nearly half a million pounds worth of advertising, including full page spreads in almost every national paper and features on the TV and radio.

Personally, it was also interesting to find out a little more about what some of these women were like, one or two not nearly as warm and charming as their public personas. Some originally promised to participate, but despite many reminders, never did. Others were a huge surprise: JK Rowland, and her "people" were reliable, polite, friendly and amenable, and Shirley Mason (from punk rock band Garbage) took the time to write the most encouraging and thoughtful answers (the best I have repeated below).

I would really recommend you look at the Girlguiding Scotland website, particularly if you are Scottish or female and especially if you are a Scottish female. Interviews I recommend reading include: JK Rowling, Shirley Manson (lead singer from Garbage) , Natalie Rob (Emmerdale actor), Rhona Cameron (comedian) and Ashley Jensen (Ugly Betty/ Extras actor).

Here is part of the interview with JK Rowling, as well as snippets from others:

JK Rowling – Author

How would you describe Scotland to someone who had never been?

"It is one of the most hauntingly beautiful places in the world, the history is fascinating, the men are handsome and the whisky is delicious. But don't eat the macaroni pies.."

Because of the huge fame of the Harry Potter novels - and therefore great
expectations surrounding them, how do you stop that from impacting how you develop the story or characters?
 "I am very protective of my characters and the storyline; I stick fiercely to what I believe is right for them even if I know that it will make some fans unhappy (for instance, some of the romance in book six disappointed readers who were hoping for other pairings).However, resisting this kind of pressure is not as difficult as you might think, because I did a lot of planning in the seven years between having the idea for the Potter books and the publication of 'Philosopher's Stone', so I have a kind of map to keep me on track."

What was the best thing about being a teacher?
"I remember the laughs I had with my favourite classes. One of my best memories is being presented with flowers by 4F of St. David's in Dalkeith after our last lesson together. Neither before nor since have flowers meant so much to me, and if you'd met 4F, you'd know why.."

What is the greatest gift your mother gave you?
"She was the one who read to us when we were little, filled the house with books, loved discussing her favourite novels and never sat down without something to read, so I would have to say a love of literature. However, she also taught me how to make a decent Yorkshire pudding."

What is it about Jane Austen's writing that you admire? If you could have met her - what would you ask her?
"Virginia Woolf said that of all great writers, Austen was 'the most difficult to catch in the act of greatness.' Praise of her writing rarely conveys its extraordinary quality, but I think her characters are vividly alive, she had a wonderful facility for dialogue, a dry and sometimes scathing sense of humour and she crafted seamless plots with such lightness of touch it appears effortless. And speaking as someone who loves to pull the wool over her readers' eyes, nobody has ever bettered the twist Austen managed in 'Emma' (I won't give it away in case you haven't read it). If I met her I would have to ask her how she managed to concentrate while sharing a room with her sister and mother, though I might have to point out that a toddler and Teletubbies is worse!"

What is the funniest or most ridiculous thing you have read about yourself in the press?
That I had a diva-style tantrum because the wallpaper in my hall wasn't exclusive enough. I haven't got wallpaper in my hall, it's painted. And I don't think I could muster an eye-roll over wallpaper, let alone a tantrum.

If you wrote your autobiography - what would you like its title be?
'Tell them I'm Dead, I'm Trying to Write'. Self-explanatory, I think.

If you won a million pounds to give to a charity - which one would it be and why?
Probably Medicins sans Frontiers (Doctors without Borders), a charity that sends medical personnel into areas of extreme poverty and disease, or where natural disasters have occurred. I first heard of them when I was working for Amnesty International; they were always some of the first people on the ground whenever trouble occurred.

Other great answers were:

Ashley Jensen – Actor

What's the best advice you were given by another woman?
"My Gran Sadie gave me some sound advice, which has certainly stood me in good stead as an adult and as an actress - "what's for you, won't go by you". As long as you have worked your hardest and done everything within your capabilities, that's all you can do - sometimes things are out with your control, whether it be getting a job, house, or going back to a shop to see if those shoes you wanted are still there in the sale. I still remind myself of that advice today and can get a wee bit of comfort from it."

Edith Bowman - DJ and TV

Who would be your female icon of all time?
"My mum. She's an incredible lady and has been the backbone of our family, not just immediate but our whole enormous clan. She's always the person people go to with problems or for advice and she has all of the help in abundance.I like to spoil her whenever I can because she's always been there for me, whether that be as a friend or as a mum. She's the best."

Jenni Falconer - TV Presenter

Which woman do you have the greatest respect and admiration for?
"Angelina Jolie has got everything, looks, talent, money, amazing charitable spirit - and if that wasn't enough, Brad Pitt!"

Lorraine Kelly – Presenter
"If you could have a dinner party with five women who have ever lived – who would they be? "Queen Elizabeth the first – the ultimate woman in a man's world; Former Israeli PM Golda Meir (likewise) Bette Davis for the movie gossip; Hilary Clinton to find out what really went on in the White House and Whoopee Goldberg to make us laugh."

Lulu OBE – Singer
What are the most important things a woman should try to incorporate into her lifestyle to be healthy?
"This is a difficult question to answer but off the top of my head I would say lifestyle, optimistic attitude, philosophy and health. The bottom line is to do everything in moderation. It's also important to laugh at yourself."

Michelle Mone – Businesswoman (Ultimo)
What are your top tips to other female entrepreneurs?
"Thoroughly research your market place and your competitors
Know your product inside out
Prepare a Business Plan and get sufficient funding in place before the start
Keep focused on your target, remain determined and don't lose sight of your goal
Find yourself a mentor who'll listen and act on advice given
Keep tight control on your costs and don't over spend
Employ knowledgeable and hard working staff to help you - you can't do it alone
Be prepared to take criticism and remember it’s not all going to be plain sailing
When in a position to do so, try to give something back "

Natalie Robb – Actor
What should all women do for themselves?
"Check their breasts. I had a recent breast cancer scare (fortunately it turned out to be benign) and my cousin is going through treatment for breast cancer."

Rhona Cameron – Comedian
What qualities do you most admire in women you have to work with? Which ones do you least admire?
"I admire all the women who have got ahead based not on their looks but their hard work or personality. In the television business which I have had experience in, looks account for too much when it comes to women. I least admire back stabbing and bitchiness and women whose sole reason for being alive is to seek validation by men."

Shirley Manson - Singer/Songwriter
You come across as a woman with confidence about how you look and who you are and yet that's not how you felt when you were younger. What would you say to any girls who feel different and insecure about themselves?
"It is true that I have made very public my own battle with the fact that I always believed that I wasn't quite "good enough" at anything and that I wasn't as "pretty" as other girls or that I was "different" in many ways.It is only with age that I have come to appreciate that all the flaws in my personality and physicality that I believed to be "imperfect" actively and positively helped me in my career.

I could never have imagined in a thousand years when I was a skinny little red-haired kid and being bullied at school that I would grow up and become an internationally famous rock-star and so I draw the conclusion that if wonderful things happened to me, then so too can wonderful things happen to anyone.To be different from others is what makes us unique and therefore exceedingly rare. Rareness is a currency and gives us value. It's how we choose to spend our currency that defines us."

Interviews with Inspirational Women - Girlguiding Scotland


Christie M said...'s a small world Carrie.

I was in Scotland at the time and remember this - it was everywhere and I even remember you being interviewed about why you did it. Wasn't there a double page on what they all said on Mother's Day? I cut it out and kept it for my Mum.

Just discovered your blog as a friend emailed it round. Unlike many blogs , it hasn't stuck to one narrrow subject, so you can't guess what the next subject might be. I have sat here for ages with a coffee and near whole packet of biscuits!

This was such a great thing to do, thanks for reminding me about it. I only read the papers then, not the site, so will have a look now.

And JK Rowling is right about Scotland and Scottish men, which is why I nearly married one.

Keep blogging, I am coming back.

Carrie Blake said...

Thanks, so much Christie. How funny you remembered it.

and yes, she is right about Scottish men!