Who reads this blog...

Thank you so much for passing by. You may be interested to know who else has. I have only just started officially recording data on visitors to my blog.

So far in a total of 12 weeks:

Geographical location: Readers have come from over 30 countries and 140 different cities.

Visits: 750 visitors viewed over 3000 pages.

Estimated Visitors since starting in Nov: over 4000

Comments Published: Over 65

Average time on site: 7.5 minutes

Top five pages (in order of popularity):

Coping with Redundancy
What women want in a man
Dogs are a girl's best friend
Interview with JK Rowling
Wit is the highest form of humour

So, if these aren't the blogs you liked the most - it'll be interesting to hear.

I love it when my blogs and the comments left are thought provoking, so please do leave yours too. Do forward on any of my blogs that you think someone else might find interesting. You can re-tweet or Facebook any pages too. Oh, I am always looking for blogging ideas!

 Once again, thank you for your support and interest.

Carrie  x