Advice from happily married friends..

I can't think of any of my friends or family who have not made a really good choice in husbands (a couple the second time around).  So I listen to how they make it work...

Helen said:
"Carrie, you do want to marry a MAN don't you? If so, you are going to have to expect disappointing behaviour."

"You need to find someone you actually really like and respect as a person."

"Read the The Five Love Languages. It has transformed relationships."

"Sometimes you have to decide if you want to prove you are right, or want to be happy."

Bood said:
"You don't actually think you will find a man who will say "let's sit down and talk about our feelings" do you?

"You have to have fun and laugh together."

P said:
"Reduce your expectations"

"Choose your battles carefully"

Elaine said:
"If you are a strong, confident woman, you must find an even stronger man who recognises there is also a vulnerable girl inside there too, or you end up doing everything and being his mother."

"Anyone who is thinking of getting married and having kids, should watch the movie Marley & Me. That's real life."

Mum said:
"Watch how he treats his Mum."

J said:

"You have to find someone who can manage you and you can manage them.."
"Find someone who handles you with kindness when you are not perfect."

Emma said:
"Find someone who is kind and considerate to your needs, that the focus is not always about him. Someone who senses when YOU are pressured, busy, tired and feeling low too. That he asks how and does things to make you feel happy and feel appreciated. Self-absorbed and selfish men, usually end up with nagging and unhappy wives...or divorced."

"Don't ever fight fire with fire. One of you has to be be the better person and manage a situation better than the other at different times."

Becs said:
You both have to consciously work at and prioritise the relationship. Make time (book it out, if you have to) to have quality time together, whatever else is happening. It’s fantastic at the beginning because you are making a lot of effort.


Anonymous said...

A good girlfriend of mine had some excellent advice from her mother...."the secret of a successful marriage, is good girlfriends!" .....and it's so true. We just need to have a chat and a giggle about it all sometimes to keep us going through the tough times.

Ems said...

TOLERANCE.....people are not perfect and make mistakes. That's hilarious about expect disappointing behaviour - afraid she is spot on.

Paul Tew said...

Generalisms, generally speaking, serve a general purpose. Except that there are exceptions to every general rule, which may turn out to be exceptional.